by webteam | Feb 11, 2016 | Episodes
A group of undocumented youth cross the border from the US into Mexico to cross back and turn themselves into border patrol. Why would you do something that would so blatantly risk you ever being able to come into this country again? We follow the story of one courageous young person, Luis Leon, and the journey that took him from a small town in North Carolina to the border crossing in Laredo TX.
by webteam | Jan 22, 2016 | Episodes
Everyday we pass by someone who’s homeless. We may be so used to seeing homelessness that it just becomes part of the normal city landscape. But what if we stop and say hello? In this week’s episode of Re:Work, Clarine Ovando Lacroux arrives in Tampa and takes a detour that leads her to develop a special friendship.
by FPadmin | Jan 22, 2016 | Episodes
Sometimes work can take a toll on your creativity, your individuality, and what makes you human. So what is the cost of being efficient at work? Anthony Goytia describes how he navigates the hyperstructured workplace at the US’s largest employer, Walmart.
by FPadmin | Jan 20, 2016 | Episodes
For those of sitting in a restaurant eating, we may not be aware of what it takes to make our meal possible. What’s it really like for those working behind the kitchen door? This episode, Raw Deal, we talk with Heriberto Zamora, who worked in the kitchen of Urasawa, one of the most expensive restaurants in the country.
by webteam | Jan 19, 2016 | Episodes
What is the future of this country’s dream for black and brown communities? This week’s episode, Dream On, is a fascinating conversation between two fierce women – Lola Smallwood Cuevas from the Black Worker Center and Sofia Campos, a national leader of the immigrant youth movement- as they expand, re-define, and defend this country’s dream.
by FPadmin | Aug 28, 2015 | Episodes
When you get into a taxi, you usually know where you are coming from, where you are going. But what about your taxi driver? This week we travel with Javaid Tariq on the road that brought him to drive cabs in New York City.