by FPadmin | Mar 25, 2016 | Episodes
Who are the people who make the clothes we wear every day? Tune in to take a journey through “los callejones,” Los Angeles’s garment district. Learn more about who works within this labyrinth of clothing shops and factories. This episode of Re:Work was made possible with support from Cal Humanities, a non-profit partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Visit
by FPadmin | Mar 24, 2016 | Episodes
Most of the stuff we use, from our clothes to our iPhones, were at some point made in another country and shipped to our shores. But who carries these goods from the shores to the stores? Longshoremen have a saying that they move the world, one container at a time. In this episode of Re:Work, Jessica Garcia interviews her cousin Alina Pineda, a woman in this traditionally male job.
by FPadmin | Mar 24, 2016 | Episodes
What comes to your mind when you think of a musician? For many musicians, their work is no different from any other profession. They dedicate hours and hours of their lives to practicing out of love for their craft. But is the love of music enough to justify the immense commitment of being a musician? On this episode of Re:Work, Neil Samples shares his story of being a professional violinist which leads him into the world of Hollywood and television.
by Bill Hogan | Mar 23, 2016 | Episodes
We live in a global market, and most of the clothing and electronics that we use are made halfway around the world. They’re transported across the ocean to get to us, by people that seem so different from us and so far away. When we delve deeper into our struggles, we find that we have far more in common than we think. Today’s story is about solidarity. How our struggles across the globe are connected. And as it turns out, how we need each other to succeed. This week on ReWork, we bring you a story all the way from Hong Kong. Join us as we hear from Stephen, a dock worker, and Loy, a union leader who, together, spearheaded the Hong Kong Dock Workers’ Strike in the spring of 2013.
by Bill Hogan | Mar 23, 2016 | Episodes
Who was your favorite teacher in high school? We all have that unforgettable teacher that sets us on our life’s trajectory. But most of the time we know even our most favorite teachers just inside the classroom. So what happens when we learn what they are going through outside of the classroom? In this week’s episode of Re:Work, UCLA student Tyler Milles uncovers what happened to his favorite teacher in the four years since he last saw him.
by webteam | Feb 12, 2016 | Episodes
All of us are on this planet because we were born. Still, for most of us, giving birth is so mysterious. Many people don’t really learn about what it’s like to have a baby unless you’re about to give birth yourself. On this episode of Re:Work, we follow Pati, a birth doula, to follow the journey of giving birth.