by webteam | Aug 22, 2015 | Episodes
Immigration visas dictate where someone can work, how they can work, how long they can work. But what happens when you throw friendship into the mix? This episode is a conversation between two friends, Carlos Amador and Jonathan Biribesca. Having arrived on different immigration visas, we follow their friendship from when they first arrived to the US to the very different journeys their visas take them on.
by FPadmin | Jul 10, 2015 | Episodes
Sometimes you have to become someone different to fit into a new job. Or, sometimes the job is exactly the right fit– but your being in that job makes people turn heads. Henry Walton describes what happens when his ambulance takes a wrong turn during the 60s when racial tensions are high. And Ramiro Gomez describes how his life changes course when he takes on a job as a nanny.