The Tractor Princess

Antoinette DeOcampo-Lechtenberg: Well, I can smell the dirt. Smell the dirt. I like to feel dirt. I can tell if dirt is good to plant in. I can tell what nutrients it needs. Saba Waheed: From the UCLA Labor Center, this is Re:Work. I’m Saba Waheed. Veena Hampapur: And...

The Graduate

S: From the UCLA Labor, we bring you Re:Work. I’m Saba Waheed V: And I’m Veena Hampapur  V: When we think about college, there’s –  a certain whimsical image, a time of self-discovery and carefree fun before you step out into the “real” world.  S: But now, with...


G: Everyone supports the big team. Someone should support the small team. If there is a fight between an elephant and a goat, for sure the goat will die. It is, however, better to support a goat. Someone is behind it too.  Look, the kind of mind I have, I like the...

It’s Magic

Veena Hampapur: In Part 1 of this series, we introduced you to Kim Durdin, a Black midwife in South LA. In this episode, her business partner, Allegra Hill, shares her story and journey into birth work.  Saba Waheed: From the UCLA Labor Center, we bring you Re:Work....

The Calling

Veena Hampapur (VH): This whole idea of callings was really interesting to me. Especially at a time when it’s becoming more and more common for people to have multiple jobs.  Saba Waheed (SW): So for me, a calling isn’t necessarily a preassigned pathway more than...