by Veena Hampapur | Aug 15, 2022
Veena Hampapur: I think we tend to associate fast food with American nostalgia. Sample audio: I want 30 sliders, 5 french fries, and 4 large cherry cokes. I want the same. Sample audio: You want to do something fun? You want to go to Taco Bell? Sample audio: You...
by Veena Hampapur | Jun 13, 2022
Pre-Roll: Listener Survey CATHY: Hey everyone, it’s Cathy! CATHY: This bonus episode is a story we’ve produced by supporting our friends at AZI Media. CATHY: It’s part of a project called “Advancing Democracy” by the Solutions Journalism Network. We’re highlighting...
by Veena Hampapur | May 5, 2022
Veena Hampapur: What would it be like to hear about the civil rights movement from someone who was actually there? Someone who was a leader at the time, who worked closely with Martin Luther King Jr. and who was so devoted to nonviolence that he decided to uproot his...
by Veena Hampapur | Jan 31, 2022
JL: I would insist that every human being has the power of life, the power of the universe in them, and that if they tap that power and learn about it, understand it, live in it, they will see nonviolence as a great force for personal and social change, for overcoming...
by Veena Hampapur | Nov 29, 2021
CATHY: Hey, it’s Cathy. CATHY: This episode of Self Evident discusses some pretty heavy stuff: war, kidnapping, suicide, incarceration, deportation, family separation, and the trauma that comes with all of these things. CATHY: It’s not graphic, but it’s honest. Also,...